i met this awesome family at ida lee park in leesburg. it was a lot colder and windier and brighter than we expected, but not a peep, even from the baby. it always amazes me to see big families; i just watch in wonder as they make it work. i only have one kid, and it's amazing how we accommodate when there is just one, and in contrast, the independence in kids with more siblings. this family has three beautiful children, all so different, but similar too. they are all about 7 years apart, which is big in kid years. it doesn't matter though, you can feel the love and the bond that they all share.

the baby has the calmest of personalities. even with the cold wind blowing in her face and the bright sun in her eyes - nothing but smiles and gibberish baby words (that i am in love with). their middle child is a boy. he's in a fun & energetic phase of life and is transitioning from a little kid into an aware, cool boy with a swagger all his own. he was always one step ahead of us, and let me know repeatedly, "i don't smile for cameras!" but in between his protests for smiling, he had this sweet mischievous grin. the oldest girl is right in the midst of teenagedom. i think i made that word up. i related a lot to her; she was quiet and a bit reserved, but i'm willing to bet when she's with her friends and family she really comes alive. i remember that part of my life. her eyes told the story of how acutely aware she really was, and her sweet spirit just radiated through them. the mom and dad are so comfortable in their roles as parents. they have a child in every phase of growing up - and they deal with them all perfectly. they embrace them, they smile with them, they make them feel loved, appreciated, validated, and heard. i love to see that. they make me want more babies.
1 & 15.
so beautiful.
what you don't see are the kids in the background in unison saying, "eeeeewwww." i love the smile on the parents' face. i remember seeing this as a kid too and immediately shouting out "eeewww" too, or my personal favorite, "get a room!!" but what i also remember is the comfort and security coming from looking to your parents and knowing they are in love. there's nothing better. not that i would have ever admitted that. 

his baby sister just climbed up onto his lap. he was trying to pretend he didn't want her to, but it was so obvious that he loved it. 

and then this was taken right after. see, he loved it.
it was SUCH a pleasure meeting all of you. thanks for living your life in front of my camera for a little bit, you guys are great. oh, AND, on my way home the sun was setting and i pulled over to take this picture. so thanks for that too :)
Cute family Ali! I love how they have a kid from every phase, and it looks like you caught that boy smiling quite a bit! :) Great job!