
zoe is two!

zoe is TWO years old. i can't believe it. i know from the moment you have a child everyone is saying "cherish it because it goes by really fast, too fast." yeah, yeah i thought. but um, IT'S TRUE. and now i'm the one saying it to everyone with new babies. does it slow down at all as they get older because seriously the first two years are crazy. it's like every day there is something new. sometimes zoe would wake up from her nap and i'd be like, you're bigger! how does that even happen? she'd go to her grandparent's house and come back speaking full sentences with words i never knew she could say. crazy stuff. 

but, in all honesty, i have loved every second of it. motherhood changes you, always for the better. instead of a happy birthday card i got zoe a thank you card. thank you for finding your way to me. for teaching me what real, unconditional love is. joy. selflessness. purity. and life. i often say how i don't think of myself as her teacher, i think of her as my teacher. i am consistently learning from her and her lessons are poignant and beautiful and they come right from her heart. i LOVE being her mom. 

last night at her birthday party she was such a light. when she woke up yesterday morning in her mind nothing was different, she didn't have any expectations but jesse and i were totally in her face immediately happy birthday zoe!!! you're two!!!! she just smiled this sweet little smile like ok guys, that's cool. then we went downstairs and she spotted the cupcakes. we started getting ready for breakfast and i told her she could have anything she wanted for breakfast and shocker, she picked cupcakes. we snuck bacon and eggs in there but a cupcake for breakfast, sweet. then she got a fish, she named HIM tinkerbell. i love it. 

the day went on, jesse went to work and i gave her my complete undivided attention all day and soaked up all her two-year-old-ness. then we had her party! she is a little bit shy so i was worried that the amount of people would overwhelm her a bit but it was perfect. people kind of came in waves and it she loved everything so much. she's such a gracious girl, at TWO. it's unbelievable. so excited for each and every present, and the next morning, she still remembers everyone who came and what they brought and what they did together. she loves her family and her friends. 
i love her enthusiasm, her mind, her raspy little voice, her laugh, her hugs and her kisses, her sweet dance moves, her love, and pretty much every little thing about her. happy birthday zoe! thank you for finding us and for all the things you teach us every day. we love you!


  1. i love this post. it made me tear up. what a sweet, sweet little girl. happy birthday, zoe!! i love all her sweet party details. :)

  2. Yay, happy birthday, Zoe! These pictures are beautiful!

  3. hi ali, thank you for your heartfelt comment -- i still sometimes wonder if i share too much on my blog but comments like yours lets me know that i am genuinely connecting with others.

    i love the way you processed the last two photos.
