
antoinette + ryan: holiday session.

Antoinette & Ryan, (and Kali, Delilah, & Shokie their super cute pets) invited me into their home to capture some photos of them at Christmas. They had a really cute little apartment, and it was so cozy and Christmas-y. I loved it. Their pets are a HUGE part of their life and are totally like babies to them. I love it when people are really into their pets, and I kind of fell in love too because well, look how cute they are...
Antoinette and Ryan were so cute. I used to work with Antoinette (she's a super amazing massage therapist) and I love her to death. She's probably the sweetest person I've ever met. Plus she's funny and really gorgeous so, Ryan is happy! I met him for the first time this day and he is awesome, too. They balance each other out perfectly, and I loved to see how comfortable they were with each other and how much they LAUGHED. I love seeing someone I think is awesome be happy and in love. That is the best.
Aren't they comfy and cute?
Ryan has a phobia of smiling for pictures but I tried to catch some of his lovely smile.
Ok.. on to their babies! Get ready, they are the cutest things in the world! This is Kali, she's awesome and I am in love with this picture because it looks like she's laughing. Dog laughs are the best! She was such a lush, the second you touched her she rolled over for a belly rub (and she has this perfect heart on her belly of missing hair, hmmm... angel!)
Next is Delilah, the one year old princess girl. I love how she's showing her teeth for me. She is scrumptious.
And last, but definitely not least, Antoinette's baby Shokie who got to eat lots and lots of cat nip for hanging around taking pictures. She was chunky and awesome and I envy her life just a little bit.
Back to the beautiful couple, looking all content... Antoinette's eyes, seriously! Gorgeous!
Being all Christmas-y and cute. :)
I just love the feel of this, haven't been able to put my finger on exactly why.. I think it's because I can just feel her comfort and contentment I'm pretty sure, and I love it.
Thank you guys so much for having me; have a happy holiday and fun new year! You guys rock.

1 comment:

  1. these are so cute antoinette is SO beautiful
