
the rice family: maternity session.

On Thursday, I met Angie, Jason, Carson, & Bailey at Rady Park in Warrenton. Angie is about to have her third child (any second now!) and is expecting a baby girl named Abby. I can't wait to meet her!

They are such a beautiful family...

Carson is the oldest boy, and you can tell he really loves his Mom. He is the sweetest, look at these eyes...

Bailey is the youngest, a really sweet girl. She's not too sure about Abby yet, but I know once she gets here she'll fall in love.

Angie & Jason are a really cool couple. They are super laid back and you can tell they are really comfortable together. You could tell they have this perfect balance of love, support, and humor. I can't believe how chilled out they are with (almost) 3 kids! Pretty inspiring.

Um, I cannot forget to mention that Angie is 9 months pregnant and still rocking HIGH HEELS. What a champ. She never complained at all, and it was... incredibly hot. I was chatting with her about how when I was pregnant I was just pretty tired, especially in the heat. She said, "when you have two other kids, you just get up and do it. It's like your mind doesn't even go there." I thought that was a pretty cool insight into mothers. You work hard, harder, and hardest for your kids. Sweet. You are such a good mom Angie... I loved watching you with the kids.

Carson & Bailey are going to be the best older sister and brother...

Jason will have another girl hanging on his leg... I remember doing that when I was little. That's the best feeling.

Good luck guys!, not that you'll need it!


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